Brighter Futures Nottingham encourages, enables & empowers individuals to break free the chains of addiction; to start a new life, with Purpose, Dignity & Hope.
We assist vulnerable individuals who may require housing-related support and accommodation due to their complex mental and/ or physical health needs.
We are based in the heart of Nottinghamshire in the ever-blooming community of Worksop. The professional services we have at our disposal are both varied and wide-ranging. We have dedicated support workers and volunteers who can advocate on behalf of service users, helping them liaise with other care professionals and medical and support services.
We work closely with government agencies, local councils and local support services in Nottinghamshire, such as Probation and Adult Social Care. We also have an excellent relationship with neighbouring Boroughs and Counties to coordinate an individual’s overall resettlement needs.
We specialise in supporting:
Vulnerable people.
People with Drug & Alcohol misuse issues/ dependencies.
Prison Leavers.
People with Autism and Learning difficulties/ disabilities.
- People with complex Mental Health issues.